Prof. Paul Marmet
Ich zitiere immer wieder aus den Arbeiten von Prof. Paul Marmet. Wer ist das?
Von seiner Webseite zitiere ich:
Paul Marmet, Ph. D. (1932-2005)
Dr. Paul Marmet was a senior researcher at the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics of the National Research Council of Canada, in Ottawa from 1983-1990.
From 1967 to 1982, he was director of the laboratory for Atomic and Molecular Physics at Laval University in Québec city.
Later, from 1990 to 1999, his teaching and research was at the physics department of the University of Ottawa.
A past president of the Canadian Association of Physicists, he also served as a member of the executive committee of the Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada from 1979 to 1984.
Marmet has been elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 1973 and was made an Officer of the Order of Canada in 1981 - The Order of Canada is the highest decoration bestowed by the Canadian government.
In these web pages below, we present explanations, which are always compatible with conventional wisdom and logic. We also require the principle of causality. No other web sites or books seem to use those criteria in modern physics. Consequently, esoteric models requiring the “probabilistic existence of matter” and the “non-locality” of quantum mechanics and the inescapable lack of mass-energy conservation in Einstein’s relativity are irrelevant. We can see in all papers below, that matter has a realistic existence and Nature is always rational. It is an error to believe that Nature cannot be explained with natural logic.
Mein Kommentar:
Ich habe das www und viel Literatur durchstöbert: Sie werden niemanden finden, der so sauber und konsequent argumentiert, alles zu Ende denkt, sozusagen "Popper-proof", und dabei auch noch verständlich schreibt. Über Physik sollte man nur dann ernsthaft reden, wenn man zuvor seine Artikel durchgearbeitet hat.
Am meisten haben mich seine folgenden Erkenntnisse beeindruckt:
- zur kinetischen Energie
- zur potentiellen Energie
- magnetische Masse
- Modell Materie und Photon
- Rotverschiebung
...und nicht zuletzt sein Mut, neue Erkenntnisse gegen den "mainstream" zu vertreten.